Midian’s DVE-1 Digital Voice Encryption series of products offers the ultimate in strategic, high level voice encryption. The DVE-1 employs the Advanced Encryption Standard using a 128 bit key length. It can be used on virtually any type of analog radio or digital radio operating in analog mode and will pass through repeaters, providing superb recovered audio quality and speaker recognition.
The built-in ANI enables the dispatcher or system administrator to monitor fleet communications and to identify and stop system abusers. When the user keys their radio the DVE-1 transmits and ID. This ID can then be displayed on Midian’s CAD, ADD and TRC series display decoders.
When used with the CAD-800 additional features are available including:
- Over the air data encrypted using Midian’s Fleet Management Protocol
- Leading and/or trailing PTT ANI and Emergency ANI (ENI) displays on the CAD-800
- Selective call for Individual, Group and All Call
- Querying a unit to transpond back to the CAD-800 when called to see if the radio is working or in range
- Spy mode where the CAD-800 can eavesdrop on a lost or stolen unit
- Disable and re-enable (Stun) a lost or stolen unit from the CAD-800
Additional Features:
- 128 bit AES encryption
- Billions of possible programmable Security Keys
- Compatible with DVE-1 modules
- Available ANI formats include Midian’s FMP-1200™, Motorola’s MDC-1200®, Kenwood’s FleetSync®, Harris’ G-Star™, DTMF & 5-Tone
- Option available for automatic emergency ID activation by Man Down sensor
- Programmable, including audio levels via Midian’s H250 programmer