Midian Electronics’ TRE-3 is a tone remote encoder with a 600 ohm line driver, which encodes the high level 2175 Hz, F1-F8 function tone and continuous low-level 2175 Hz guard tone and passes received audio via a dedicated phone line, telemetry link or microwave to a tone remote adaptor to key a base station or repeater. The TRE-3 will also pass audio from an audio source to the tone remote adaptor via the above mentioned link. The F1-F8 function tones are selectable using 8 discreet inputs.

Midian’s TRE-3 can be used in place of a tone remote controller, where no dispatcher is located. The TRE-3 can receive an output from a device to select the desired function tone, generate the keying tones and pass audio to the tone remote adaptor.

The TRE3 can not be used as a tone termination panel. Our tone termination panel is the TTC-1. It can be found here: Midian TTC-1

TRE-3 Manual

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