The voting tone encoder (also known as a pilot tone generator or status tone generator) with a 600-ohm line driver, pairs with a radio receiver to create an analog satellite voting receiver or auxiliary receiver. Satellite voting receivers are spread out over a geographic area to provide greater radio coverage and are connected via a dedicated line, telemetry link or microwave to a voting comparator. The voting comparator looks at the signal to noise ratio from multiple voting receivers and passes the best quality signal to the dispatcher/repeater.

Midian’s VTE-1 can be used with voting comparators that look for a 1950 Hz, 2175 Hz, 1600 Hz or 2700 Hz voting tone such as Motorola’s SpectraTAC, JPS Communications’ SNV-12, GE Mastr II, etc.

  • 2175, 1950, 1600 or 2700 Hz voting tones set by jumpers.  No programming software required.
  • Built-in line driver (600 Ohm)
  • Custom tones available
VTE-1 Manual

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